Mississippi's 4th Congressional District
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Recent News About Mississippi's 4th Congressional District
Congressman Ezell Questions Army Corps Leadership About Bonnet Carré Spillway
Congressman Mike Ezell questioned Mr. Michael Connor, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, about the Army Corps of Engineers' management of the Bonnet Carré Spillway during June 22 hearing of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure's Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee.
Lawmakers Offer Bicameral, Bipartisan Bill to Guarantee Readmission for Guard, Reserve Students
Senator Hyde-Smith & Representative Ezell Lead ‘SERVE’ Act Introduction
Reps. Ezell and Kustoff Introduce Bill to Combat Shipping of Fentanyl Through U.S. Mail
Congressmen Mike Ezell (MS-04) and David Kustoff (TN-08) have introduced the Uniform Postal Data Acquisition for Transparency and Early Detection within the United States Postal Service (UPDATED USPS) Act to stop China and other nations from using the U.S. mail to send fentanyl and its precursor chemicals into the United States.
Rep. Ezell Joins Reps. Cammack, Case In Support Of Domestic Aquaculture
This week, Congressman Mike Ezell joined Congresswoman Kat Cammack (FL-03) and Congressman Ed Case (HI-01), Co-Chairs of the bipartisan House Aquaculture Caucus, in introducing the "Advancing the Quality and Understanding of American Aquaculture Act" (AQUAA Act).
Mississippi On June 7, Katrina-era regulations dash hopes of reclaiming Pascagoula homes
Massive tree branches stretch overhead, shading the small brick house decades past its prime.
Fox News: Karine Jean-Pierre mocked for complaining migrant bussing puts strain on cities: 'Weapons-grade hypocrisy'
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre condemned the practice of transporting migrants because of the "pressure" it puts on non-border states and cities, a statement that kicked over a beehive of criticism online.
NBC News: Mississippi Republicans seek removal of Pride flag from Veterans Affairs cemetery
Congressional Republicans from Mississippi are demanding that the Department of Veterans Affairs remove a temporary Pride flag from Biloxi National Cemetery, arguing its presence is disrespectful to veterans.
Blaze News: Republican presses VA to stop flying Pride flag, requests removal of any 'flags promoting social policy positions or political statements'
Republican Rep. Mike Ezell of Mississippi has taken issue with an LGBT Pride flag being flown at a Mississippi Veterans Affairs facility.
Congressman Ezell Votes to Secure Border
On May 11, Congressman Mike Ezell voted in favor of H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, a sweeping border security and immigration package that would address the ongoing crisis on our southern border.
Greene County Herald: Leakesville officials keep up push for help with projects
City of Leakesville officials hosted a meeting with state officials last Tuesday to discuss the many needs of the city along with ways to meet those needs.